The bird's body has an intense rusty red color, which partly
comes off as tangerine. It has a brown-colored neck, head, and breast. It has a
white neck ring, flights, and tail. Its white-colored feathers are
tangerine-tipped, giving out a pearly effect.
Unfortunately, just like all other ringnecks, there is no
sexing guarantee. However, we strive for maximum accuracy when shipping. The
doves are 3-18 months old at the time of shipping. Availability does not always
guarantee immediate shipping. However, we are open to taking current orders,
which will be queued until the next possible shipment. In the meantime, you
will receive an email with the shipment date and details.
● It has a light brown head w/ white neck ring
● It has a white colored feather from
it's back to its tail
● It weighs 4.5 oz
● It measures 10-11 inches long.
● It has a 10-14 years lifespan.
● It is not mated or banded.
● 3-18 months old